TextPad 7.4.0

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 TextPad 7.4.0

Жрать поддержка макросов. TextPad способен вкалывать с файлами, владеющими долгие имена(в т.ч. - с пробелами), может испытывать орфографию, менять регистр текста, выравнивать, заменять текст и т.д.
Бедствуете ли Вы попросту в мощной замене для блокнота или инструменте для редактирования web-страниц, TextPad ладит то, что Вы хотите, теми способами, какими Вы это ожидали. Он разработан, дабы гарантировать мощность и функциональные возможности для удовлетворения большинства требований к редактированию текста.
 TextPad 7.4.0

TextPad® is designed to provide the power and functionality to satisfy the most demanding text editing requirements. It can edit files up to the limits of virtual memory, and it will work with the 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows® 7, Vista, XP and Server 2003 and 2008.
TextPad has been implemented according to the Windows XP user interface guidelines, so great attention has been paid to making it easy for both beginners and experienced users. In-context help is available for all commands, and in-context menus pop-up with the right mouse button. The Windows multiple document interface allows multiple files to be edited simultaneously, with up to 2 views on each file. Text can be dragged and dropped between files.
In addition to the usual cut and paste capabilities, you can correct the most common typing errors with commands to change case, and transpose words, characters and lines. Other commands let you indent blocks of text, split or join lines, and insert whole files. Any change can be undone or redone, right back to the first one made. Visible bookmarks can be put on lines, and edit commands can be applied to lines with bookmarks.
Frequently used combinations of commands can be saved as keystroke macros, and the spelling checker has dictionaries for 10 languages.
It also has a customizable tools menu, and integral file compare and search commands, with hypertext jumps from the matched text to the corresponding line in the source file(ideal for integrating compilers).

-Huge files can be edited, up to the limits of 32-bit virtual memory. See Specifications for the actual limits.
-Supports Universal Naming Convention(UNC)style names, and long file names with spaces.
-CUA compliant keyboard commands.
-English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish user interfaces.
-A spelling checker with dictionaries in 10 languages.
-Multiple files can be simultaneously edited, with up to 2 views per file.
-Warm Start feature lets you restart exactly where you left off.
-In addition to the usual cut, copy and paste capabilities, selected text can be case shifted and block indented, and characters, words and lines can be transposed. Cut and copied text can be appended to the clipboard, as well as replacing its contents.
-Text can be automatically word-wrapped at the margin, or at a specified column, if it does not fit on a line. In this mode, text can be split into separate lines where wrapping occurs, or lines can be intelligently joined, preserving paragraphs.
-OLE2 drag and drop editing for copying and moving text between documents.
-Unlimited undo/redo capability. The undo buffer can be optionally cleared when a file is saved, or by using the Mark Clean command.
-Block(column)selection mode, and visible display of tabs and spaces.
-A keystroke macro recorder, with up to 16 active macros.
-Sorting, using up to 3 keys.
-Text can be automatically aligned and indented, relative to the previous line, to aid block indentation.
-The right mouse button pops up an in-context menu.
-The cursor can be constrained to the text, or can be positioned freely in the document view.
-Toolbar with fly-by usage hints, and an active status bar.
-A powerful search/replace engine using UNIX-style regular expressions, with the power of editor macros. Sets of files in a directory tree can be searched, and text can be replaced in all open documents at once.
-Incremental search toolbar for literal text.
-Visible bookmarks can be placed on individual lines, and on all occurrences of a search pattern. Bookmarked lines can be cut, copied or deleted.
-A built in file manager for fast file copying, renaming, deleting etc.
-Print previewing, and printing with customizable headers/footers and page breaks.
-Viewer for binary files using a hexadecimal display format.
-Built in file comparison utility, and up to 16 user-defined tools with argument macros.
-Hypertext links from file search and user tool output to the relevant source line.
-DDE interface to other tools, such as MS Visual C++. The editor detects when an open file has been modified by another tool, and prompts you to reopen it.

Оф. сайт: www.textpad.com

Дата: 10-July-2014
Дебаркадер: Windows® 7 and 8, Vista, XP, and Server 2003, 2008 and 2012.
Интерфейс: Английский / Мультиязычный(English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean)
Снадобье: Keygen-NGEN
Размер: 69,67 Мб

Немного информации об материале: Сегодня в 12-07-2014, 19:35 наш лучший журналист -kinogrants нашел на просторах интернета новость - TextPad 7.4.0 и сразу же добавил ее к нам на сайт!Хотелось бы добавить, что наш журналист подобрал лучшие файлообменники для скачавания TextPad 7.4.0 , кроме того оформление новости и самого файла находится в отличном качестве, тем более можно TextPad 7.4.0 скачать бесплатно и без регистрации и смс. А так же советуем вам посетить Warez чтоб найти похожие отличные материалы, как и этот!

Ключивые слов для поисковика: Офисное, TextPad

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